CLA Safflower Oil: Health Benefits

CLA Safflower Oil: Health Benefits

CLA Safflower Oil is a dietary supplement that contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Linoleic acid belongs to the omega class of fatty acids, which influence vital functions in the body and are necessary for optimal health. CLA is naturally occurring in dairy products and certain meats but it is difficult to get the health benefits of CLA through diet alone. Fish oils, vegetable oils, and sunflower oils are also common CLA sources. CLA is commonly made specifically from safflower oil. It contains pure and higher rates of CLA than other types of oils, up to 82% CLA vs 32% of other types.

CLA: Health BenefitsCLA is involved in the regulation of fat by the body. The benefit of taking CLA is twofold: it assists in the metabolism of stored fat while also preventing the metabolism from slowing down while dieting. According to Cornell University and the National Academy of Sciences, an animal study indicates cancer preventing tendencies as it increases the body’s ability to better absorb such vitamins as D and A also. Commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders in training,  CLA is not restricted to professional athletes but can be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program to promote weight loss for anyone.  CLA can have benefits without exercise.

CLA prevents fat from being deposited into the cells by speeding up the body’s fat metabolism. CLA also helps the body metabolize existing fat deposits. This fat then returns to the bloodstream where it is used as energy by muscle cells and the liver. Research shows CLA may now play an important role in helping reduce the incidence of breast cancer, helping improve asthma and allergy control, help control blood sugar levels (diabetes), and may help limit the extent of atherosclerosis which can lead to heart disease.

Benefits of CLACLA: Health Benefits

  • Made with 100% brand CLA Safflower Oil, the purest and most absorbable variety of conjugated linoleic acid available
  • Weight loss, fat burn boost & build lean muscle mass
  • Increased energy as fat is converted to energy
  • Clinical studies over the years have shown there to be no adverse reactions or side effects of CLA when taken at its recommended dose.
  • All natural, commonly made from safflower oil, CLA does not contain any natural or artificial stimulants
  • Heart Disease Prevention due to the reduced amount of stored fat by the body. CLA reduces the deposit of plaque and lipids in the arteries, according to the Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

When CLA is used in conjunction with a balanced healthy diet and regular exercise program, it can help maintain healthy body weight.

Are There Any CLA Safflower Oil Side Effects?

The benefits of CLA definitely outweigh the possible side effects. However, as with any supplement, it is important to consult your doctor, pharmacist, and other health care providers about any dietary supplements and medicines you take. Their expertise and knowledge will be able to assist you concerning any interactions with prescription and/or over the counter medications you may be taking as well as prevent you from taking any supplement that may not suit your body.

Educate Yourself By Reading CLA Safflower Oil Reviews

There is an abundance of information available online about CLA, CLA SAfflower Oil and the many health benefits it provides so reading CLA Safflower Oil reviews can really help understand which products can really get you good results. CLA Safflower Oil is primarily associated with boosting weight loss efforts and there are many reviews online that can help you better understand which supplements are worth investing in to get the very best results possible.

Can CLA Help in Losing Weight?

Can CLA Help in Losing Weight?

CLA is produced from linoleic acid (found in high amounts in sunflower and safflower oil) utilizing a process that gently converts the linoleic acid into conjugated linoleic acid. But how can a fatty acid help in the challenge of reducing body fat while increasing lean muscle mass? A number of studies have demonstrated that CLA reduces fat mass, while increasing lean body mass. A recent human study investigating the effect of 4.2g CLA/day in 53 normal healthy individuals led to a significant decrease (3.8%) in body fat compared with individuals not taking CLA4. In addition a study in obese and overweight populations demonstrated that at least 3.4 g CLA/d for a period of 12 weeks was necessary to see a significant reduction in body fat.Can CLA Help in Losing Weight?

CLA is very easy to find – if you eat grass-fed meat. It’s found in the meat, fat, and milk of grass-fed ruminants (cows and sheep).

The recommended daily intake from food is typically between 350mg and 1 gram per day. Most people eating a modern diet get much less than this, but it’s not hard to hit the target if you’re eating pasture-raised ruminants. Here’s the CLA content of some common foods:


Grass-fed whole milk (3.25% fat): about 175mg in an 8-ounce glass.

Heavy cream (36% fat) made from grass-fed milk: about 118mg per tbsp.

Butter (80% fat) made from grass-fed milk: about 246 mg per tbsp.

To get the equivalent numbers for grain-fed products, divide by 5.


Beef: between 1.2 and 10 mg per gram of fat (depending on how the cow was raised).

Lamb: between 4.3 and 11 mg per gram of fat.

Turkey, chicken, and pork: much smaller amounts, even if the animals were raised on pasture.

Can CLA Help in Losing Weight?CLA is definitely a nutrient you want in your diet. Is it a magical cure for obesity? No. Nothing is a magical cure for obesity. There is no supplement, pill, injection, diet, or exercise hack that will make weight loss effortless. But CLA does clearly have some anti-obesogenic effects, which probably bring the most benefit when it’s consumed regularly from whole foods, over the course of an entire lifetime. CLA works to reduce body fat by increasing metabolism, converting food efficiently into energy. While it may be misleading to say CLA promotes weight loss per se, it does increase lean body mass by preventing fat cells from growing, promoting a loss of inches instead of weight. And the benefits don’t stop there. CLA can also help increase muscle strength and exercise endurance. Luckily, getting enough CLA is easy and delicious. Pastured, grass-fed butter is probably the cheapest source, but any grass-fed beef, lamb, or dairy product will do the trick. So enjoy some butter on your steak, secure in the knowledge that not only is it delicious, it’s actually helping you get (or stay) thin.

From this latest research, we now know that we shouldn’t have to take any more than 3.4 grams a day of CLA to achieve significant reductions in body fat levels. Keep in mind that these reductions were achieved without any changes in diet or exercise. We should see even better results when these areas are addressed.

Nutritionists Secrets for Staying Slim

Nutritionists Secrets for Staying Slim

Whether consciously or not, many thin people follow the strategy of starting out with a sizable soup or salad, which leads them to eat less for the rest of the meal. Often people cannot stop eating even though they are full. Why is this? According to traditional Asian medicine, the body requires five tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and pungent. These tastes nourish the internal organs and satisfy the taste buds. If any of the tastes are lacking in the diet, your body will be unsatisfied, causing cravings. By understanding how this principle affects you, you can begin to control your appetite.

Nutritionists Secrets for Staying SlimIf you’ve found that munching sugary snacks just makes you crave more sugary snacks, you’re not alone. Eating lots of simple carbohydrates — without the backup of proteins or fats — can quickly satisfy hunger and give your body a short-term energy boost, but they almost as quickly leave you famished again and craving more. The problem comes not when we indulge in a sweet treat now and then, but when we over-consume, something that’s easy to do when sugar is added to many processed foods, including breads, yogurt, juices, and sauces. Therefore one needs to consciously make an effort to keep the sugar cravings under control.

If you thought shutting down the kitchen early in the evening could save your waistline, you were right. After setting your “Kitchen Closing” time, determine the set dinnertime that works for you and your family most nights of the week. Sure, every now and again practice or late nights at the office will interfere. But by eating earlier in the evening, you’ll leave time for a brisk walk after dinner and certainly give yourself more time to digest before retiring for the night (and your heart and digestive system will thank you).

There’s no concern that water will dilute the digestive juices or interfere with digestion. In fact, drinking water during or after a meal actually aids digestion. Water and other liquids help break down food so that your body can absorb the nutrients. Water also softens stool, which helps prevent constipation.

Nutritionists Secrets for Staying SlimSeveral studies have shown that people who keep food journals are more likely to be successful in losing weight and keeping it off. In fact, a researcher from one recent study says that people keeping a food diary six days a week lost about twice as much weight as those who kept food records one day a week or less. For one thing, keeping a food diary instantly increases your awareness of what, how much, and why you are eating. This helps you cut down on mindless munching. Food diaries also help people identify areas where they can make changes that will help them lose weight.

Most people eat more than double the amount of sodium their bodies need – which increases chances of high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and other problems. Kids who eat high sodium diets are 40% more likely to develop high blood pressure, and this is even worse among children who are overweight. – See more at: taste buds can adapt to eating less salt. Research suggests that when people eat lower-sodium foods over time, their taste preferences change so they prefer those foods and they find that the foods they used to enjoy are too salty. When salt is cut gradually, sometimes people don’t even notice! And when less salt is used, you can appreciate the true flavor of food. For example, try roasting a sweet potato or butternut squash and enjoy the flavor that develops as it cooks and caramelizes.